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Indonesian & Javanese for Professionals: Business, Military, Government, NGOs, Health Workers, Teachers. A unique text for those who already know some basic bahasa and want to improve it or are learning Javanese. Arranged by topics, with comprehensive vocabulary lists in English, Indonesian, and Javanese. Also, language & cultural notes, realistic short conversations, receipts, hand-drawn maps, diagrams, organizational charts, and an A-Z glossary of Indonesian abbreviations and acronyms. A must-have reference. 395 pages.
At Amazon: $14 paperback only Indonesian for Military Training & Operations Topics: comprehensive military vocabulary, squad & personal gear, civil affairs, communications, weapons, vehicles, airborne operations, terrorists and separatists, medical and village life, religion, and more... At Amazon: $17 Paperback $6 Kindle Indonesian for NGOs & Relief Agencies
is a text that addresses topics like medicine, NGO operations, natural disasters, civil affairs, village life and organization, building and repair, and more. Individual topic-based units include vocabulary lists, language and culture notes, various reading samples, and short conversations. A must-have resource for anyone working in this field in Indonesia. Amazon: $15 Paperback / $8 Kindle |
Do you already know some Thai? Want to learn Lao? If so, this guide gives you all you need to know to start speaking Lao today, and makes a great reference. 17 pages. PDF is now FREE! Download below
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